Effects of Colonialism in Pakistan

Almost every country has been impacted by colonialism, as numerous nations colonized others for decades, leaving a significant imprint on the globe.
The subcontinent was one such area that suffered brutal colonization by the British, and we still witness its effects in the form of a confused nation. The British considered the native people of the subcontinent barbarians. Exploiting the pretext of trade and civilizing the locals, they settled in and exploited both the people and the region’s natural resources. They imposed their own culture, language, and policies to serve their own interests for over eight decades. Although the subcontinent gained independence in 1947 and Pakistan physically broke free from British rule 89 years ago, we have yet to achieve mental freedom. We are still under the spell of colonialism, even though the British departed long ago. British colonization impacted Pakistani society in every way, including mentally, economically, culturally, politically, and educationally. The colonizers may have left, but their influence still governs our minds to this day.
The passage to India by E.M Forster:
“India likes gods, and Englishman like posing as gods.”
Pakistan is a country rich in ethnicities, languages, and diverse cultures. Yet, an inferiority complex persists in our society due to a colonial mindset that places the English language above our native languages. We regard English as a symbol of intellect and give it more importance than our own languages. In the past, colonizers belittled our language, and today we are doing the same. During British rule, the colonizers imposed the English language on the people of the subcontinent and elevated its importance, while denigrating native languages, emphasizing their lack of worth and potential. Unfortunately, this colonial mindset still lingers in Pakistani society. English is considered a marker of intellect, and those proficient in the language are seen as superior and intellectual. Conversely, the same level of intellect is not attributed to individuals who are equally proficient in their own native language. This clearly illustrates how we are still mentally colonized to this day.
Culturally, people are gradually forgetting their own traditions and heritage. Western attire is increasingly favored, even on occasions where we should proudly showcase our own identity and culture. The colonial mindset is so deeply ingrained that fellow natives judge their compatriots for wearing traditional clothes. During British rule, English was given the utmost priority and enforced upon the natives. Today, English has become the medium of instruction in over 35% of privately controlled educational institutions. English is compulsory in every class, while native languages do not receive equal attention or importance. Our society is so entrenched in the colonial mindset that even parents today prioritize teaching their children English from birth, considering it superior and a sign of intellect.
The economic condition of our country has only declined due to the belief that foreign products are superior to locally produced ones. This mindset leads to excessive imports of foreign goods, resulting in a decline in the local economy and increased taxes. With this mentality, our economy will never grow or compete with global economies. Even after seven decades, tension and disputes still persist at the border between Pakistan and India due to the lasting impact of colonization. This tension prevents both nations from growing economically together.
“Until the lions have their own
Historians, the history of the hunt will
Always glorify the hunter.” -Chinua Achebe
In conclusion, we are still shackled by our colonial mindset and reside in the past. Many people still believe that the English language is superior, and those who excel in it are deemed intellectuals.
We continue to face the consequences of this mindset in economic, cultural, political, and educational aspects. To become a proud nation, we must break free from this backward mentality and embrace our true potential.